It's been a few days since I've gotten back from Altoona and my brain is still trying to register all the awesomeness I've experienced during the Super-Omega-Awesome-Illustration-Fun-Fest that was IlluXcon 3.
I met so many awesome artists who are just as awesome people. I showed my portfolio around, got it ripped to shreds, and was told which shreds were worth keeping. I was very humbled by the great overall response my portfolio drew from a number of people and at the same time all of the masters I was surrounded by showed me just how much further I have yet to push myself. I bought a ton of goodies and grabbed freebies from just about anyone who was giving them out.
IlluXcon has got me really motivated to really throw everything I've got into my new work and I really look forward to seeing how these new pieces I'm working on turn out. I'm already seeing signs of how the con has impacted me and it's a really great feeling to know that I'm getting closer to reaching that next level.
Thank you to everyone who was kind enough to share their time and wisdom with me at the con and a special thanks to Jeannie and Pat Wilshire for putting the con together in the first place. Those two really have put together something special and I hope to come back again next year. IlluXcon is the perfect reminder as to why I love the fantasy genre, it seems that nowhere else can you find such a talented and passionate group of people who want to share their knowledge and help each other improve in their work!
P.S. the jam night was incredibly fun! I very rarely get to play the drums without silencing pads anymore...nor do I get to play with other people, or on stage, so that was a really awesome time for me :)