Hello Hello??
Uh uh--oh oh..
Ok Ok this this is is weird weird..
Today Today I I want want to to tell tell you you about about another another piece piece of of art art I I made made for for Unstable Unstable,, but but it it appears appears that that I I may may be be suffering suffering side side--by by--side side effects effects from from prolonged prolonged exposure exposure to to the the Handy Handy Dandy Dandy Clone Clone Machine Machine I I was was given given to to illustrate illustrate so so I I hope hope you you can can bear bear with with me me through through this this one one..

This This was was a a really really fun fun image image to to paint paint.. The The focus focus of of this this card card was was a a mad mad scientist scientist creating creating life life through through the the use use of of a a cloning cloning device device,, with with the the creature creature followed followed by by an an exact exact copy copy. I I was was asked asked to to depict depict a a creature creature that that looks looks kinda kinda sorta sorta like like a a disembodied disembodied hand hand,, except except for for the the fact fact that that it it is is not not exactly exactly a a disembodied disembodied hand hand.. Weird Weird request request,, fun fun challenge challenge..

I I was was really really happy happy with with how how the the creature creature came came out out,, and and my my art art director director,, Dawn Dawn Murin Murin,, seemed seemed pleased pleased as as well well.. I I hope hope all all the the players players like like it it too too.. I I am am especially especially excited excited to to see see how how the the card card works works now now that that the the set’s set's been been released released. Whenever Whenever I I play play this this card card I’ll I'll be be able able to to tell tell people people that that my my “token” "token" was was also also the the “model” "model" for for the the card's card’s art art.. Happy Happy joy joy!!
Want Want to to see see the the sketches sketches??
You You can can see see in in the the sketches sketches that that I I experimented experimented with with a a furry furry green green version version of of the the creature creature as as well well,, kinda kinda riffing riffing off off the the big big red red furry furry monster monster from from the the Looney Looney Tunes Tunes.. I I like like what what came came out out in in the the final final but but I I still still enjoyed enjoyed the the idea idea behind behind the the other other version version..
Last Last but but not not least least,, like like my my previous previous Unstable Unstable artwork artwork,, I I created created an an original original drawing drawing that that I I used used in in the the making making of of this this piece piece,, seen seen below below..
Anyways Anyways,, I I think think that's that’s all all for for today today,, all all of of this this doubling doubling is is making making me me dizzy dizzy,, and and I I still still have have more more stories stories to to tell tell,, so so I I need need to to fix fix this this problem problem,, fast fast.. Hmm Hmm,, let’s let's see see.. Maybe Maybe if if I I fiddle fiddle with with this this switch switch here here……
Did Did Did Did that that that that work work work work????
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